How to put a Linux OS on your Android Phone or Tablet!

You carry a portable computer in your pocket. A convergence of sorts. But you don’t use it to its full potential. You can put a  Full Linux OS on your Android Phone or Tablet and have a complete PC anywhere , anytime!

Reasons for putting Linux on your smartphone primarily point towards compatibility. Yes, the Play Store is filled to the brim with apps. but they are mostly casual. Linux Distributions have more ‘professional’ apps which are less play, more work. For example if you are editing Audio, Audacity is the best choice. But Android doesn’t have Audacity, so you may boot up Linux and install it. Continue reading How to put a Linux OS on your Android Phone or Tablet!

nexus 7 with CyanogenMod review

Geeky info
Geeky info
The side it is really slim
The side it is really slim

IMG_20140211_164430 IMG_20140211_164419

The screen is really beatiful
The screen is really beatiful


The side it is really slim
The side it is really slim

I  have finally gotten my hands on the new Nexus 7. I have now rooted it and Slapped on The latest nightly of CyanogenMod on It. Scroll down for the review. Continue reading nexus 7 with CyanogenMod review

Can wearables take over the world?

The buzzword going around is ‘wearable technology’.What is that you ask? Wearable technologyis of two types:

1. Existence enhancing

These are gadgets that provide an overlay of useful information over the real world without being obstructive.

Basically augmented reality devices.

Examples of existence enhancing devices: Google glass Continue reading Can wearables take over the world?


Hey there!

This is a blog covering all your tech needs: news, troubleshooting, questions, etc.

Technology has been advancing faster than ever. In the 20th century it took most of the century to create a small computer. But fast forward to the 21st century, we are already making progress on the shift from silicon to graphene (It is a more better , thinner and power efficient material for making computers). It is difficult to keep track of these advancements and you may even be confused by them. That is where this blog steps in ; It addresses all your needs and doubts about technology. I will soon be implementing a question – answer system in which you can ask questions about technology and will also help you in choosing devices and troubleshooting problems.

Happy reading!