Tag Archives: Facebook

Facebook Messenger wages war on Privacy, but does it the wrong way


After the Snowden Revelations in 2013 and multiple high-profile breaches in 2015, companies are ramping up support for better security protocols, and agencies like the NSA, which have for long been spying on people across the world without any roadblocks are waking up to see end to end encryption being enabled on apps like Whatsapp, which is used by millions of users across the globe. Continue reading Facebook Messenger wages war on Privacy, but does it the wrong way

Oculus backs down and removes DRM that prevents Vive from playing Oculus games

When the Oculus Rift launched on Kickstarter a few years ago, it was promised to be a product that would pioneer Virtual-reality. The startup behind it made it clear early on that it is more focused in making  Virtual-reality more popular rather than making money, and that competition could actually help it achieve that goal. Continue reading Oculus backs down and removes DRM that prevents Vive from playing Oculus games

Facebook continues its quest for world conquest with unprecedented revenue growth

In an Internet-driven world, data matters, and people are willing to pay for data. Round up thousands of people, get some data about them and this data will be worth thousands of dollars, because on the Internet, data sells.  Continue reading Facebook continues its quest for world conquest with unprecedented revenue growth

Facebook reveals its open-source 360 degree camera array

Surround 360

Now that the Oculus Rift and the HTC Vive are launching, thus beginning Virtual-reality’s re-emergence into the mass-market, content creators should start creating content for this new medium.  Continue reading Facebook reveals its open-source 360 degree camera array

Tweetdeck for Windows is shutting down by April 15th

Twitter has over 300 million users, but hasn’t managed to please  investors, because its growth rate has stalled and its existing users aren’t very active. It hasn’t figured out a way to monetize its userbas effectively. Continue reading Tweetdeck for Windows is shutting down by April 15th

Facebook’s algorithms will help make 360-degree videos stream faster

On the Internet, it seems seconds do matter. Many studies have found that a second or two delay can prompt a user to close an application or website, and that’s why all websites are optimizing themselves to ensure that they load as fast as possible. Continue reading Facebook’s algorithms will help make 360-degree videos stream faster

Oculus delays Oculus Touch’s release to make it as great as possible

It’s 2016, and 2016 is poised to be the year of Virtual Reality, what with many Virtual Reality headsets, platforms, accessories, applications and games poised to release this year. Continue reading Oculus delays Oculus Touch’s release to make it as great as possible

Google adds a Bubble Level feature to its Google Search App

Search "Bubble Level" On Google On Your Phone to Get a Working Level

In the early days of the Internet, online companies were focused on keeping you within their ecosystem, and so threw in everything and the kitchen sink in their websites, so that you never have to leave for anything. For example, AOL and Yahoo launched several services, so that all of their users’ needs were covered. Continue reading Google adds a Bubble Level feature to its Google Search App

Facebook’s Instant Articles are coming to all Android users

Facebook started as a small social network, and has now grown into a multibillion user company that has dipped its feet into many fields. Facebook has invested in internet access by drones, has bought large social networks (Instagram and Whatsapp), and has even bought companies that are spearheading the development of new technologies (Oculus). Continue reading Facebook’s Instant Articles are coming to all Android users

Facebook launches 360-degree videos on iOS


Facebook and YouTube are not usually thought of as competitors, as one is a social-network and another is a video-sharing platform. However, both are more similar than you think. Both are primarily driven by ad-revenue, and both allow to share videos. In fact, Facebook’s videos have been growing exponentially as a whole, and content creators are starting to experiment with Facebook Videos, thus posing as a threat to YouTube. Continue reading Facebook launches 360-degree videos on iOS